Relationships 5 minutes read
Good & Healthy Relationship Advice & Tips
Connecting with people romantically, emotionally, and physically is really amazing. But there's a lot of work that goes into building a good relationship. What are some tips for having a great relationship? How do you know if your relationship is healthy? How can I make my relationship better? This page has some great articles and stories about relationships. Relationships 2 minutes read
It’s easy to get caught up in a discussion about someone else’s relationship. Celebrity gossip aside, even digesting the latest juicy infidelity details or relationship problems concerning people in your inner circle may seem like a harmless pass time, but it can actually effect your own perceptions of romance, psychologists claim. Relationships 2 minutes read
Texting has become a convenient way to reach the people you love or are trying to love with minimal effort. Relationships 5 minutes read
Nobody likes to feel they've been lied to in any scenario, whether it's a partner who isn't being straight with you or a stranger trying to pull the wool over your eyes.
Dr. John Boakye Relationships 5 minutes read
Today most marriages everywhere fail. In fact global studies suggest that while 60 per cent of all marriages end in divorce, 20 per cent of all marriages are lifeless.
Beauty and tips Relationships 6 minutes read
We know what first dates can be like: they can be awkward, scary and sometimes you just want to run to the hills like hell!
Dr. John Boakye Relationships 5 minutes read
One of the greatest threats to a happy marriage is infidelity, indecent association, including sex with someone other than a spouse. Relationships 2 minutes read
A court in the UAE jailed a woman for three months for looking through her husband's phone without him knowing. Relationships 2 minutes read
When you’ve been cheated on, a whirlwind of thoughts run through your mind, as you try to piece together where things went wrong in your relationship—and one of those things often includes just who the other woman is.
Dr. John Boakye Relationships 3 minutes read
All relationships are difficult and each day may bring new challenges.
Dr. John Boakye Relationships 5 minutes read
Marriage, a partnership in which a man and woman become one flesh for life, is about hard work and loving unconditionally. Relationships 5 minutes read
It’s nice to have the ability to stay in touch with your partner even when they’re at work. But just because you can text them every few minutes doesn’t mean you should. If you’re worried about distracting yourself when you should be getting paid, there are other ways to stay connected without having to hide your phone on your lap under your desk.
BBC Relationships 4 minutes read
Eva, a 19-year-old student at Nairobi Aviation College, was sitting in her tiny room in shared quarters in Kitengela feeling broke, hungry, and desperate.
Jasmine Arku Relationships 3 minutes read
Life is a rollercoaster ride; a mix of inconceivable, exhilarating highs and devastating, steep lows. Relationships 3 minutes read
A woman has revealed she cancelled her dream wedding just a week before the big day - after discovering her fiancé watched porn.
Dr John Boakye Relationships 4 minutes read
When a woman reaches puberty, she goes through 35 years of fertility and then goes to menopause which means end of menstrual flow, hence inability to have children.
Business Insider Relationships 3 minutes read
Whether you're not ready to reciprocate or you simply don't feel that way about the other person, it can be a challenge to figure out how to respond when someone says "I love you."
Dr. John Boakye Relationships 5 minutes read