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Connecting with people romantically, emotionally, and physically is really amazing. But there's a lot of work that goes into building a good relationship. What are some tips for having a great relationship? How do you know if your relationship is healthy? How can I make my relationship better? This page has some great articles and stories about relationships.

Just fought with your partner? Here’s a foolproof way to patch things up!

If your romantic relationship is in trouble and you always want your partner to initiate reconciliation after a conflict, please read on. Researchers have found that when conflict occurs in romantic relationships, the negative emotional climate that results hinders a person’s ability to recognise their partner’s attempts to reach out to them.

However, talking things out with your partner can undo much of the damage, the findings showed. ‘When conflict occurred, it influenced the way persons rated their partner’s general efforts to work on their relationship,’ said study co-author Brian Ogolsky, professor at the University of Illinois in the US. Read more about How social media is affecting your relationships and sex life

Do ‘photo’ marriages work?

 We meet lovers in various circumstances.  Some meet through wrong calls, the Internet, recommendations, gratitude for kind acts and physical attraction.

Circumstances that lead us into marriage however are usually classified into two. One is called love; where partners meet, date and fall in love. The other is arranged, where partners hardly know themselves.

In Ghana the craze is ‘photo’ marriage.  Some people see a picture in the newspaper or on the Internet and fall in love with the picture.

In some cases a man abroad needs a wife and informs his relatives at home. There are photo exchanges and a deal is reached.

 There was one such marriage in my village.  The competition was fierce and almost led to an inter-family conflict.  A fair, tall, young and beautiful girl won only to be met at the airport by an old, short, dark and bald man. 

How to get the hard-to-get girl

 Obtaining the hard-to-get girl is a romantic concept used time and again in movies and novels all around the world. Believe it or not, it is possible to get a date with a girl who's hard-to-get.

Men just have to be aware of how the female mind works and be respectful when approaching women.

 By using a few key strategies to your advantage, you will increase your chances of getting to know her.

Telltale signs he is a player

 Whether he's a long-time guy pal or a new dating prospect, he may be a player.

Traditionally, players are guys who juggle several different women at once while often keeping them in the dark about one another.

It's not always easy to spot one of these men, but there are telltale signs a guy is a player.

Look for the clues, and compare him to other men in your life.

Marriage: A journey of two people in love

I call him the “love of my life “and he is my best friend. We talk and chat about everything and anything. We do have our moments of quarrels, misunderstandings and arguments which I call “the marriage fights” but trust me, he is my love.

I can confidently say that because I married my friend and I have decided to stay married and enjoy each day of the marriage as if I just started the journey. Every day I learn new things about being married and I believe my partner does too and I make an effort to become a better companion.

9 Things every man wants from his future wife

Women assume men don’t think of marriage or they want a wife-slave who will do whatever her husband wishes. This notion is false. Most men want to make their future wives happy. They want to have a family, to love and to be loved. They want to have fun with their wives in the bedroom and they don’t want to cheat.

Fedra and Andrew

What it's like to be engaged to 'the man with no penis'

Personal shopper Fedra Fabian’s sex life recently came under intense public scrutiny after her boyfriend was the subject of a documentary…about the fact that he has no penis.

Fedra’s fiancé Andrew Wardle was born with bladder exstrophy, a condition that caused his bladder to form on the outside of his body. As a result, he was left with no penis. (Doctors were later able to reinsert his bladder into his body.)

Andrew, who is based in the U.K., kept his condition a secret for years, but finally decided to open up in a Discovery Networks International documentary called The Man with No Penis, which aired Oct. 5 on TLC.

Tips on dating a plus-sized girl

All women want to feel feminine and attractive, and plus-sized girls are no different.

However, dating a plus-sized girl can mean encountering some sensitive subjects and situations that may make her feel uncomfortable.

Enjoy problem-free dates with the special plus-sized girl in your life by being prepared.

Signs a guy is on the rebound

Dating guys who are fresh out of a failed relationship can be quite a tricky thing. After all, it is not uncommon for guys — and girls, for that matter -- to seek out "rebound" relationships, which are brief flings that exist solely for the purpose of healing a broken heart.

If you are dating a guy on the rebound, you are likely setting yourself up for feeling hurt and broken-hearted yourself.

Advice for Building Relationships that are Healthy, Happy and Satisfying

Advice for building relationships that are healthy, happy and satisfying

A strong, healthy relationship can be one of the best supports in your life. Good relationships improve all aspects of your life, strengthening your health, your mind, and your connections with others.

However, if the relationship isn't working, it can also be a tremendous drain. Relationships are an investment. The more you put in, the more you can get back. These tips can help keep a healthy relationship strong, or repair trust and love in a relationship on the rocks.

What makes online friendships work?

There are three ways by which we typically find new friends. The first is propinquity, or proximity, to potential friends. The second path to new friendships is through involvement in shared activities. Lastly, life events, such as entering school or having a child, are the third path via which we find new friends.

Love and manipulation

They’re buttering you up, which is nice…sort of. You like affirmation but not if it’s manipulation.

Do they just want sex? Are they just social climbers scrambling over you to get to your connections? Are they about to ask a big favor? Are they flattering you to get you to support rather than oppose them? How can you tell what motivates their sweet gestures?

Why change is necessary for all relationships

As two mature individuals, in a relationship, you understand that there has to be a give and a take. You learn this in all relationships: lovers, friends, family, coworkers, teammates, truly the list is endless.

We must understand that in order to make things work, we cannot expect everything we do to be right, correct, the best.

The 5 most common relationship fears

Relationships are hard enough without any added baggage, but let's face it: Most of us bring some sort of issues to the table. So many of our reactions, suspicions, and freak-outs stem from secret fears—and if we just took the time to recognize them before acting on them (and took a look at what's causing them) we might have better relationships as a result.

Michelle Skeen, PsyD, author of Love Me, Don't Leave Me: Overcoming Fear of Abandonment and Building Lasting, Loving Relationships has studied relationship fears for her book, as well as treating them in her own patients.

What different types of kisses say about your relationship

First things first, kissing is the absolute best. Unless it's not. For example, when your kissing partner tries to drown you in his saliva, maybe it's time for a talk? But, you know, it's mainly the best.

Over at, they consulted with kissing expert Sheril Kirshenbaum, author of the book The Science of Kissing: What Our Lips Are Telling Us, to explore what different types of kisses mean in relationships. ​"Kissing is so important to long-term bonds. It helps maintain a relationship,"​ she says.

Here's some kisses, finally explained.

1. The Single-Lip Kiss

The Single-Lip Kiss is a kiss that is truly all about love. Rather than diving into a more aggressive kiss, each person focuses on kissing only one of their partner’s lips at a time.

Bernard Metlzer said, “Happiness is like a kiss. You must share it to enjoy it.” This kiss is absolutely a shared experience. There is a give and take involved that indicates a de

14 Signs He's Only Interested in Sex

High sex drive is one thing. Not caring about you as a person is another.

7 Uncommon Romantic Gestures That He'll Love

Men are decidedly simple creatures. Our guy expert offers a few tips on how to delight your guy with a few basic gestures.

6 Signs He's About to Say I Love You

It's hard to say those three simple words. For most men it starts off as a suspicion then it grows to certainty, then to anxiety about how and when to say it, and whether the woman might feel the same way. Even if your guy has a hunch that you love him too, it's nerve-wracking to be the first one to say "I love you."

 Plus there's the pressure of getting it "right." He wants to be sitting in a park after the best date ever, have a sweet speech ready, and as soon as you say it back the previously inactive fountain comes to life and shoots beautiful streams of water into the air as you kiss. That's what the movies make us think this moment should be, and most men know it won't be that, so we avoid the actual act of saying these words longer than is needed or comfortable. Here are six signs that he's gearing up to finally tell you that he loves you.

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