Joma residents cry for amenities

Residents of Joma, a fishing community near Weija in the Greater Accra Region, have expressed reservations about the lack of infrastructure in the community.


According to them, the absence of schools, sanitation facilities and road networks is an impediment to the progress and welfare of the community.

At a general meeting organised by the Joma South Landlords and Tenants Association, they also indicated that they lived in perpetual fear because of the high incidence of sexual abuses, armed robbery and other criminal activities in the community. 


On December 10 and 11, 2011, an estimated 600 structures were demolished at Joma, rendering about 2,000 residents homeless. The structures included the palace of the Joma Chief, Nii Ayitey Noyaatse, the community church and a school.

The Situation

The Daily Graphic upon its visit to the community, observed that residents who were affected by the exercise had erected makeshift structures.

According to reports gathered by the paper, the chief of the community has relocated to a different place in the community, while the church building is now under construction.

With the only school building in the community needing re-construction, the more privileged schoolchildren have to trek over four kilometres to nearby communities to attend school.

Residents’ agony

In an interview, the Chairman of the Joma South Landlords and Tenants Association, Mr Joseph Alobuia, said the current situation was appalling.

“You go to bed and wake up in the middle of the night only for you to see a snake or other harmful reptiles in your structure. There are times when you find many different kinds of snakes scattered all over the compound,” he said.

Mr Alobuia added that residents were living in perpetual fear as the rainy season approached, since their rickety structures would not be spared by the downpours.


Mr Alobuia, therefore, called on the government and other stakeholders to come to their aid.

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