Joma residents express discontent over sand-winning

Residents of Joma, a fishing community near Weija in the Greater Accra Region, have expressed discontent over sand- winning activities currently being undertaken in the community.


According to them, the activities had destroyed the vegetation in the area and brought about changes in climatic and health conditions of the inhabitants. 

The residents expressed their displeasure in interviews with the Daily Graphic. They observed that people acting as ‘land guards’ in the community were responsible for the environment degradation. 

According to reports, the activities involved the use of tractors and other heavy equipment and the loud noise from the process had left many of the children in the community with severe hearing impairment and were also emotionally drained.  

The situation 

During a tour of the community, particularly in areas affected by the activity, the Daily Graphic observed that uncontrolled sand-winning had destroyed farm lands and vegetation including some economic and medicinal trees.

There were huge pits and marks of tractors’ tyres everywhere one looked; an indication of the extreme recklessness with which the sand winners degraded the land.

The operations of the alleged land guards came to the fore during the period after the gruesome murder of the late Chief of Joma, Nii Ayittey Noyatse, who was shot and killed by unidentified assailants in his room earlier this year.

Residents alarmed 

Many of the residents, who spoke to the Daily Graphic on condition of anonymity, said the sand-winners were fast destroying the natural vegetation and peaceful atmosphere in the community.

They said smoke emissions from the trucks and the excessive noise and dust from their activities were causing intense pollution. They also said the huge pits that were left behind had become breeding grounds for mosquitoes during rainy seasons. 

“We are threatened with death at every turn should anyone dare question the perpetrators of this crime,” said a concerned resident.

Another resident, who is in his 50s, told this reporter that the wrongdoers operated boldly in broad daylight and were armed with guns and other weapons.

He said the ‘land guards’ forcefully collected what they termed as “digging fees” from developers of residential buildings before they were allowed to continue with their construction works. 

For fear of being seen in the company of a news reporter, one resident took the reporter into a room and alleged that, “the land guards claim that no security force or individual can lay a finger on them! And true to their words, we have reported the issue to many police stations and yet no arrests have been mader”.

Possible remedies

The Chief of Joma, Nii Ayaa Gbobilo II, told the Daily Graphic that the situation in the community was disturbing, since the peace the community enjoyed in times past was no more.

He said even though he was being called upon to lead the campaign against sand winning in the community, he could not do so until those who were directly affected by the activity came to report the matter to him. 

“It’s very true that I am the leader of this community, but what could I do when the affected parties are hiding and do not want to come out openly to report their grievances?,” he asked.

Nii Gbobilo, said he believed that when victims made a formal complaint with the police, it could aid in investigations and the culprits eventually brought to book.

He was quick to dismiss allegations that the alleged land guards had greased his palm and that was the reason why he could not stamp his authority to halt their activities. He said, “I have the welfare of the inhabitants at heart and in no way would I collect a pesewa from anybody to bring the respect my people have for the  me into disrepute”. 

The Member of Parliament (MP) for the  Amasaman Constituency, Mr Emmanuel Nii Okai Laryea, said the situation was a national issue that needed to be addressed to help alleviate the plight of the citizenry.

He bemoaned the activities of the perpetrators, and pledged his unflinching support to help stop the practice.


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