Justice cannot be defeated by technicalities- Atuguba
A Justice of the Supreme Court, Mr. Justice William Atuguba, has said that the posture of the judiciary towards the application of the law is one for the benefit of the people of Ghana.
He said for this reason, henceforth the ends of justice could not be defeated by technicalities.
According to him equity has a role to play in the administration of justice, and that ‘the superior courts, led by the Supreme Court, will not apply mechanical rule to deliver justice.’’
‘’In order to apply the rule rule of law properly, the courts have taken the position to advance the legitimate interest of society rather than the governing,’’ he said.
Speaking on the theme ‘’Promoting the rule of law; reflections on the delivery system in Ghana’’ at the first Mentoring Summit organised by the Mock Parliament of the Accra City Campus of the University of Ghana in Accra last Wednesday, Justice Atuguba, who endeared himself to Ghanaians by the way he handled the election petition, said when the purposive role of the constitutional role had been set aside, real justice often eluded people who deserved it only on the grounds of technicalities.