IATF Ghana exhibitors in Durban praise event
Exhibitors from Ghana at The Intra-African Trade Fair 2021 underway in Durban, South Africa have described the event as “very useful” especially in building the necessary networks for further business opportunities.
From a slow start on Monday, November 15, 2021, when the fair began, the Ghanaian pavilion has seen massive patronage of the goods and items on display and enquiries as to how to transact business after the fair.
The Founder and Creative Director of Heritage Pots, Nana Yaa Ofori Atta, who is one of the exhibitors said “I have been able to talk to a number of businessmen and women and I have found the fair a great opportunity”.
She said it was significant that Kwa Zulu Natal where the fair was taking place was looking at “import replacement” and the Chief Executive Officer of Trade and Investment of the city had asked for a list of items from Ghana to add to what he had.
The CEO of Vashty Fashion line, Ms Sharron Senyo Boccorh, who had earlier observed “that things were slow” at the beginning of the fair because of accreditation issues at the gates was very happy about patronage.
“I have sold a lot and I have been able to build some connections for further business after the fair and I am very grateful to the Ghana Export Promotion Authority for making this happen”.
At a Ghana Trade Investment Forum held Friday, November 19, 2021, at the fair, Ms Anne Serf, the CEO of Anne’s Perfections whose prominent product at the fair was peanut butter said the interest shown in her products at the fair had given her more determination to go on.
She said she had been able to make a number of contacts for further business and was grateful to GEPA.
The fair which has “Building Bridges for a successful Fact” as the theme had on display various goods and services including textiles, clothes, jewelry and drinks.
The Ghanaian pavilion created in the form of the independence arch stood out by way of aesthetics and branding.
The non-Ghanaian pavilions included banking services, vehicles and equipment.