Lanre Olusola ‘The Catalyst’ - Helping people achieve their dreams

Lanre Olusola ‘The Catalyst’ - Helping people achieve their dreams

Lanre Olusola is one of Africa’s life coaches and psychotherapists who is simply called ‘the catalyst’. He is recognised as one of Africa’s premier life, mind, emotions and behavioural change coaches.


He is respected internationally for imparting exceptional problem-solving, motivational, inspirational, human developmental, leadership and management skills.

An alumnus of the world-renowned Harvard Business School, Mr Lanre Olusola’s advanced studies in psychology, neuro-linguistic programming and quantum physics has led him to become a certified matrix reimprinting practitioner and an emotional freedom technique therapist.

And in less than an hour when he appeared on the Springboard, Your Virtual University, a radio programme on Joy FM, hosted by Rev. Albert Ocran, Mr Olusola left the listeners in no doubt that he was competent as what he did.

He shared ideas on how one could transition himself or herself into greatness.

“I describe myself as the catalyst. I help people transition from where they don’t want to be, where they are, where they shouldn’t be to where they are designed and destined to be. I help them do this faster than they can by themselves,” he stated.

“I help people identify spiritual, psychological and social barriers that get in their way and not just identify but I help them with the practical tools to eliminate those mountains or barriers. I help people be the best that they can be and be all that they were created to be by maximising their potential,” he explained.

Mr Olusola pointed out that there were some people who were afraid of success.

“Some people have been programmed to remain at certain levels because of what their parents have told them or what their religion and culture has taught them, but deep within them, there is no human that doesn’t want to break through or to prosper and progress,” he indicated.

Knowing ‘how’

He said the distance between where someone doesn’t want to be and where he or she desires to be was just a matter of knowing ‘how’.

“Where you don’t want to be and where you desire to be is a function of a word called ‘how’ but many people do not know ‘how’ and it’s simply because they do not understand the inner workings of their inner self,” he pointed out.

Barriers to progress

Touching on the biggest barriers to progress, Mr Olusola said the biggest problems that impeded the development of people were religion, tradition and culture.

“For as a man thinks in his heart, so is he and if only you can believe, all things will be possible. If only you can pull down strongholds, imagine what is Gods perfect plan for you, then you can be anything you desire to be,” he said.

“Words create the world that you think of or imagine and according to the power of your conviction. You are a limitation based of your thoughts and imaginations and your thought and imaginations create your convictions and beliefs and your beliefs overtime become a tradition and a culture,” he added.

He said those were the greatest challenges to people who wanted to transition.

Dealing with tradition as a barrier to progress

Commenting on how one could deal with tradition as a barrier to progress, he said: “You need to change the beliefs that instituted the tradition. Behind every tradition, there is a belief so you first have to change that belief.”

“Tradition and culture changes with time and at the point that you developed that belief, you had a problem and it was a solution to it and relevant at that time so once it’s no more relevant you need to change it,” he noted.

He also urged individuals to probe or question tradition.

“We should ask ourselves if it is still relevant. What is the outcome of this tradition and is it the desired outcome that I want?” he asked.

“If it is not, then the onus lies with you to change it,” he stressed.


Biggest trigger to change

Answering a question on how best people could be helped to make that change, he said the biggest trigger of change was truth.

“It is only the truth that can set you free. If you are sick and go to the doctor, if he is a true professional, he will run a diagnosis on you and based on the report he gives you a prescription and because you believe he is a professional and whatever test he has run is accurate, you take the prescription,” he said.

“In this case, the doctor has gone through a process; he has identified truth and revealed it to you. He has found the problem and recommended a solution. This is same with any human being that has a challenge with mindset, tradition and culture. You need to run a diagnosis on yourself. What is your personality, what environment do you exist in, what is your relationship with your spirit, mind, environment, people and things? How has the physical space affected your perception in life and how has the words that you speak and your actions influenced your behaviour and beliefs? And how have those beliefs influenced your decisions, expectations, attitude, habits and outcomes in life?” he pointed out.

He added that “for us to change anything, we must go back to the basics, go back to where it was formed and the foundation of all culture and tradition is our environment so we go back and run diagnosis on the environment and we will be able to identify the trigger”.


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