Financial covenant with God

Financial covenant with God

This treatise is basically an introspection of the house of God. The author paints a picture  of two groups of shepherd leaders: 


i. The holy spirit certified ministers and authentic people 

ii. The imposters who are in the pulpits or church leadership positions.

The gospel of Jesus Christ is holistic – it can be compromised when aspects are taken out of context to justify some preacher’s self-made theories on giving and prosperity. He draws from the experiences of Isaac and Abraham as opposed to that of David, the shepherd boy who gained celebrity status which led him to forget his past, leading to very dire consequences for him and his family.

What effects do these incessant demands for offerings to support the work of God have on the congregation and how do the preachers who request for these offerings present themselves? An emotionally charged chapter - the seed of sacrifice - “exposes the harm being done by “con men behind the pulpits today”, suc

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