KB Asante: Voice From Afar column
Government for the inconvenience of citizens
We rightly complain loudly about measures and inaction which affect economic and social life. But administrative procedures cause more distress and annoyance daily. We flare up and curse under our breath but soon forget and get used to the rule of our public servants-turned masters. The edicts of these servants often impact negatively on daily life. The highly placed in society do not often endure the hustle of going through the bizarre procedures of heads of institutions who merely rubber-stamp advice and official notices.
An example will illustrate what many citizens go through daily. I decided to help a young man who was keen to help himself and not moan about his circumstances. He had completed secondary school education and wanted to be a teacher or a nurse. He was prepared to work as a houseboy to acquire enough money to pay for the costs involved in the training for either profession. He eventually decided on teacher-training and he gathered from his friends t