Hu Jintao opens party meeting - warns on corruption

Chinese President Hu Jintao has opened a Communist Party congress that begins a once-in-a-decade power transfer with a stark warning on corruption.


Addressing more than 2,000 delegates, Mr Hu said that a failure to tackle the issue "could prove fatal to the party".

China faced unprecedented opportunities and challenges, he said, and the nation should "aim higher and work harder".

His speech kicks off a week-long meeting that will see a new set of leaders unveiled.

Security is very tight across Beijing, with many dissidents detained or under house arrest, rights groups say.

Mr Hu told delegates at the Great Hall of the People that China had to adapt to a changing domestic and global environment.

"We must aim higher and work harder and continue to pursue development in a scientific way, promote social harmony and improve the people's lives," he said.

China's development should be made more balanced and sustainable, he said, and the "serious challenge" of corruption should be addressed.

"If we fail to handle this issue well, it could prove fatal to the party, and even cause the collapse of the party and the fall of the state," he said.

Anyone who broke the law would be brought to justice, "whoever they are and whatever power or official positions they have", he said.

The corruption warning echoed one delivered 10 years ago during the previous leadership transition, when the party was told it risked "heading for self-destruction" if it did not tackle the issue.

The months leading up to this congress have seen China's political leadership rocked by a scandal involving Bo Xilai, the former Chongqing party leader once seen as a candidate for top office.

His wife has been jailed for murdering a British businessman and he is expected to face trial on corruption-related charges.

The congress - for which no formal schedule has been revealed - will last a week and will be keenly observed for any indications of the leadership's future plans.

During the congress a new central committee is selected. It then chooses the country's highest decision-making body, the Standing Committee of the Politburo.

The process takes place behind closed doors, with the make-up of the top bodies in reality decided ahead of time.- BBC

Hu Jintao opens party meeting

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