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Whatsapp message

WhatsApp etiquette

WhatsApp is fast becoming the most preferred mode of conversation these days. Being less expensive and having multimedia functions makes it the go-to option for on-the-go conversation.


However, do not catch yourself mishandling it. These seven do's and don'ts are definitely worth keeping in mind in the WhatsApp world:


Drop a courtesy reply

We understand that it is not always possible to reply to every message on WhatsApp instantly or to have a detailed conversation. You may not be available or may not be in a mood to have any conversation at that particular time.

However, reading a message without replying appears to be a little rude. While that may not be your intention, it may come across as such.

At least, drop a polite reply to suggest you cannot chat at that moment.

Stop being a pest

You may be free to keep track of when someone came online and left without replying to your messages but avoid making a fuss over it. Instead, be a little understanding.

Others genuinely may not be in a position to even send “yes” or “no” to your messages, let alone detailed replies.

And by perpetually fussing over not replying to your messages instantly, you eventually may start to sound persistently annoying.

Display pictures are to be seen not probed

While there is no problem in being curious and asking a friend about others in their profile picture, do not let it become a habit.

While others may initially be okay in telling you who is who, this might get on their nerves if it turns into a habit.

Do not overuse emojis

There are times when we do not have an appropriate reply to a message sent on WhatsApp. This is where emojis come in handy. An appropriate emoji sent in response is even perceived by others as an interesting reply.

Its overuse, however, could convey a different meaning. Sending an emoji in response to almost every message could suggest your disinterest in conversing with the person.

Also, avoid using emojis in serious conversations as they could not only tone down the otherwise strong statements, but could also distract readers from fathoming the intended meaning.

Avoid being part of a rumour chain

If there is any message on WhatsApp that you suspect to be untrue, it probably is. Do not spread it further.

It is better to get the facts checked before you forward it. And in case you fail to get them verified, stop it there.

Follow some unstated rules of group chat

Every member of the group may not be interested in every conversation happening there.

Therefore, you should not expect every member to be actively participating in all the group chats.

Also, if a discussion that starts in a group gets to a topic that is of interest to only two people, it is advisable to shift it to personal chat windows.

Stop forwarding every joke

Just because you think it is funny does not necessarily make it universally funny. You should not be forwarding jokes on WhatsApp based on what interests you.

It actually becomes annoying at a point, especially when most of the jokes you forward are stale.


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