NIBS offers innovative executive education programmes
The Nobel International Business School (NIBS) in Accra is collaborating with two foreign institutions and other business schools to offer a different approach to company executive education which is designed to make a significant impact on executives and companies.
The foreign institutions are the Mannheim Business School (MBS), Germany, and the Swiss Business School (SBS), Zurich.
In a statement to the media, the President and Executive Dean of NIBS, Prof. Kwaku Atuahene-Gima, said, “The main task of a leader is to ensure that executives develop 21st century management skills while phasing out redundant or outdated skills.” he added that the NIBS was offering companies, organisations and political leaders a totally different approach to executive education.
Prof. Atuahene-Gima is a leading international scholar and was adjudged the second best innovation management scholar in the world - in May 2012 - and received the Business School Award by the Chartered Marketing Organisation (CMO) in Singapore.
He is also a one-time Professor of Marketing and Innovation Management at the China Europe International Business School (CEIBS), and Founding Executive Director of CEIBS Africa Campus in Accra.
The real challenge
According to the statement, the real challenge was to develop ‘executive thinkers and doers,’ who know and understand the management challenges facing the organisation; do things differently to provide viable solutions using the best practice management tools and methodologies to assess their effectiveness and advantages over the current tools they use, and lastly, believe in the new management knowledge and associated tools they learn.
It said, to help companies meet this challenge, NIBS was collaborating with the institutions in order to make a significant impact on executives and their companies by providing real, measuring results.
Explaining the rationale for setting up the NIBS, the statement said: “The 3 elements of the leader’s challenge translate into the Know-Do-Believe (KDB) logic that underpins the design and delivery of our Executive Education in Action programmes.”
Discovering real business problems
“In each programme, participants discover real business problems, challenges and opportunities, and apply their knowledge to solve them by developing actionable plans and results. We also offer post-programme implementation support”, it added.
“Let me assure students that as an innovative business school, we understand the varied needs and resources of different clients. Hence, unlike other business schools, we offer multiple price points for our In Action programmes. We help you to manage trade-offs between your budget and methods, problem complexity, length and outcomes of the programme you require,” it said.
NIBS Executive Education programmes currently being undertaken include: Strategic Marketing in Action (SMA); Strategic Finance in Action (SFA); Sustainability Leadership in Action (SLA); High Performance Boards in Action (HPBA); High Performance Leadership in Action (HPLA) and Women Leadership in Action (WLA).
The rest are Strategic Innovation in Action (SIA); Advanced Strategic Management in Action (ASMA); Service Leadership and Customer Experience Management in Action; Government Innovation in Action (GIA); Women Wealth Creation for Africa (WWeCA) and Building Talent in Action (BTA).