Tongorana Kubilsong Nalebiktang Robert Nachinab Doameng Mosore (middle), the Paramount Chief of Tongo, and others taking an oath of office.

Enskin chiefs in accordance with traditional norms and practices — Albert Abongo

The Upper East Regional Minister, Mr Albert Abongo, has entreated kingmakers in the area to ensure that chiefs are enskinned in accordance with traditional norms and practices to curtail chieftaincy disputes and litigations.  


"As custodians of our customs and traditions, our chiefs and kingmakers should find it incumbent upon them to tenaciously uphold the legacy of our ancestors by ensuring that chiefs are enskinned in accordance with laid-down procedures," he stated.

The minister made the remark during the first ordinary meeting of the Upper East Regional House of Chiefs (UERHCs) and the swearing-in of the paramount chief of Tongo, Tongorana Kubilsong Nalebiktang Robert Nachinab Doameng Mosore, at Bolgatanga.

Mr Abongo's call also comes in the wake of recent disturbances in the region over who is the rightful paramount chief for Bolgatanga that led to deestruction to properties and injuries.


According to the minister, the government has resolved never to interfere in chieftaincy matters.

He, however, stressed that "the government will not sit down unconcerned if insecurity and threats to life and property are created by chieftaincy disputes".

Mr Abongo, therefore, assured the people that the government would take appropriate steps to ensure their safety and that of their property at all times.


The minister further appealed to chiefs in the region to be neutral in the "midst of political diversity and play your roles as independent traditional rulers so that you can easily galvanise your people for development".

"As we prepare for the November polls I wish to urge you to use all avenues to preach peace and to ensure unity in this election year," he added.

The President of the UERHCs, Naba Sigri Bewong, called on members of the house to work together for peace in their various paramountcies  so that "we can have a peaceful region for investors to come and create more job opportunities for the youth".


Touching on political campaigns in the run-up to this year’s general election, Naba Bewong appealed to political parties to ensure that their supporters engaged in campaigns devoid of insults.

"We can play this role effectively if our people who belong to different political parties perceive us as fathers for all and not for a particular group; this, therefore, calls for an open-door policy," he further indicated.

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