Inspection and Control Services holds workshop for staff
The Inspection and Control Services (ICS), a body that helps the government to enhance revenue generation, has organised a two-day workshop for its senior managers and line managers in Accra on organisational behaviour and motivation.
Mr William Benjamin Assuah, Deputy General Manager in charge of Operations, encouraged the participants to be open-minded and professional, adding: “Many organisations are stagnating because the leaders fail to recognise the tell-tale signs of poor productivity, the consequences of absenteeism, dissension, resistance and high-turnover”.
"ICS has done a lot to motivate its staff and will continue in that direction".
He charged the participants to disabuse their minds of seeing motivation as monetary rewards but rather how, as managers, they could influence and inspire their staff to action and generate a sense of team building.
"Management will continue to recognise, praise and appreciate their efforts, which will create the opportunity for growth," he said.
The course instructor was Mr Este Ladzekpo of Canfield University, School of Engineering and Human Factors and also of Sterling Projects Group.
In a related development, ICS has organised a process-modelling course for all staff. The two-week course was designed at meeting the new challenges in the clearing process.
The target is to ensure that importers’ documents received by ICS are processed within the shortest possible time, and this could only be achieved if the staff were taken through regular training and system upgrade.
ICS is fully committed to ensuring that government revenue is enhanced and trade is facilitated in line with the best practices.