Urban Roads, Ledzekuku-Krowor assembly in tango over construction of Teshie road

The Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly (LEKMA) and Teshie-Nungua Department of Urban Roads (DUR) are in disagreement over the right of way for the continuation of the Fertiliser Road at Teshie, which, when developed, ease traffic congestion on the main Teshie Road.


About 2.6 kilometres of the Fertiliser Road from the First Estate Junction have been constructed up to the Adzorman Roundabout. Its continuation has however, become a source of headache to the DUR Manager, Mr Domingo Lekketey.

In all, nine structures are standing in the way of the road but what has become a bone of contention between the DUR office and the assembly is an old property owned by Mr Augustino Woclachie and another one, a commercial centre, being built by Madam Lizzy Lartiokor.

Whereas the existing plan for the community indicates that Madam Lizzy’s structure is on the road, officials of LEKMA are saying that Mr Woklachie is rather the one who has encroached on the road, and his building must, therefore, be pulled down to pave the way for the road project to continue.


Mr Lekettey told the Daily Graphic that it was not possible for Mr Woclachie to have encroached on the right of way, as his property is nowhere near the road. “Mr Woclachie has been living in that building for many years now,” he stated.

Mr Lekketey further explained that part of Mr Woclachie’s land was rather taken in the year 2000 when the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), then in charge of that part of Greater Accra, mapped the area. 

An amount of GH¢4,300 was supposed to have been paid to Mr Woclachie as compensation.

A letter from the Accra Metropolitan Assembly (AMA), signed by the then Secretary to the Accra Metropolitan Planning Committee, E. D. Sowa, stated “ A claim for compensation in respect of land adversely affected by an approved road at Teshie, in accordance to the Teshie Revised Layout-plan Planning Committee”.

Later, another letter signed by the Regional Valuer, Mr J. Bamfo Banarfo, stated that “ At the 165th Regular Meeting of the Governing Board of Directors held on the 28th/29th June, 2001, the board approved a compensation sum of  GH¢4,680,000 in respect of claimant’s land affected by the proposed road only”.

Municipal Chief Executive reacts

The Municipal Chief Executive of the EKMA, Mr Seth Badu Tawiah, however, told the Daily Graphic that he was waiting for the Town and Country Planning Department to give the map of the area out for the work to continue.

Already the new building has been marked by LEKMA since December last year but according to Mr Tawiah, he had a disagreement with the Town and Country Planning officers who told him that the structure was not on the right of way.

“They (Town and Country Planning) said the new one was not on the road so I have asked them to go back to the Head Office of the Town and Country Planning to get the original map for the area so I get more proof,” he stated.

“Day in day out people are encroaching on the road and I don’t like that”, he stated, adding that he is ready to give whatever support is needed to continue with the road works.

“I have already spoken to the owners of the old property and they are aware that those structures would be demolished,” he stated.

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