Sir Peter Fosuaba Banahene speaking at the function.

Validate the register or face the consequence-Sir Fosuaba Banahene

A former administrator of the GetFund, Sir Peter Fosuaba Banahene, has added his voice to the call for the Electoral Commission (EC) to clean the voters register before the November 7 general election to make the results credible and acceptable to all.


He said the validation process should be made clear and open to clear doubts in the minds of people.

Sir Peter Fosuaba told the Daily Graphic in Kumasi  that there was the need for the commission to be bold and take decisions that would satisfy majority of Ghanaians and urged the EC to be as frank and open as possible to avoid creating conflict in the country.

He was speaking on the sidelines of a ceremony to mark the feast day of Saint Joseph, the patron saint of the Catholic Men’s Society (a male group in the Catholic Church) at the St Paul’s Catholic Church at Amakom in Kumasi.

The event, the first of its kind in the country, brought together members from the Kumasi Archdiocese of the Catholic Church.Sir Fosuaba said the EC’s entrenched position and failure to listen to advice could be chaotic and unhealthy to the country’s democracy.

The former administrator wondered why the EC had been adamant  in adhering to calls to either change or validate the register.


The Parish Priest of the Saint Paul’s Catholic Church at Amakom, Rev. Fr. John Opoku, asked parents to be mindful of the names they gave to their children since these could have an impact on their lives.

He said there was a correlation between names and the behaviour of children. He, therefore, urged parents to name their children after righteous people.

Council of Catholic Men

The President of the International Council of Catholic Men, Sir Edward Prah, called on men groups in the Catholic Church to unite and work together for the development of the church.

He said the leadership of the church was working very hard to bring all men in the church under one umbrella which will be known as the National Council of Catholic Men.

Sir Edward said it was very urgent for the men in the church to rise up and support evangelisation to win more souls for Jesus Christ.

He added that with the National Catholic Council of Men, the men would have a strong force to lead people in the church in all aspects of life.


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