KMA to relocate Kejetia pavement traders to enable contractor improve road network
The Kumasi Metropolitan Assembly (KMA) is temporarily relocating petty traders who sell on pavements at the Kejetia to enable the contractors constructing the $198 million market and lorry terminal to commence work on the road network to make the facility ready for use.
The affected traders and motorists are to be relocated to the Kumasi Zoo main gate area.
A statement issued and signed by the Public Relations Officer of the KMA, Mr Godwin Okumah Nyame, said the decision to relocate the traders was reached after meeting with the market leaders.
Indeed, the traders were to have moved out last Saturday but following some resistance from some of them, the KMA extended the date to Wednesday.
The move formed part of the Kejetia/Central Market redevelopment project of which the first phase is almost complete.
On completion, the KMA is expected to move traders from the main Central market to the Kejetia site to enable the second phase to cost $100 million to begin.
The government of Ghana secured a loan of $298 million from the Brazilian government two years ago to construct the market.
It is being constructed by a Brazilian construction firm, the Contracta.