Abra Appiah — PLB boss

Halt the premier league now!

A stitch in time, it is said, saves nine. Therefore, it is better to always deal with problems before they escalate. This is because when they get worse, it takes longer and bigger efforts to deal with them.


One organisation that has been noted for failure to deal decisively with issues that confront it or brought before it is the country’s football controlling body, the Ghana Football Association (GFA). For all its success story, the Kwasi Nyantakyi Administration has been very unpopular for the acts of omission and commission of the Professional League Board (PLB) and also for failing to act expeditiously on protests and concerns as and when they arise. 

As I am writing this piece, there are a plethora of issues that are bedevilling or plaguing the on-going First Capital Plus Premier League, which portend danger for the competition.

There are talks of Asante Kotoko F/C having fielded an unqualified player, there are allegations of some teams compromising the competitive spirit of the elite competition, concerns over poor and biased officiating, alleged intimidation at league centres (for both the premiership and the Division One League) and above all pending protests that can possibly change the fortunes of the participating teams in both competitions.

Football is one discipline with the largest following in the country.  It is the passion of the country, which continues to unify us as a people in an era where party politics has clearly torn us apart, even siblings.

Therefore, we need to tread cautiously, more especially when we have just woken up from the slumber or inaction that led to a delay in the start of the 2014/2015 First Capital Plus League.

The feet-dragging that compelled Alhaji Grusah’s King Faisal to seek redress in the law courts is what is manifesting now.  It is as if history is not serving as a guide to us. Are we not learning from best practice?

The English Premier League and the European competitions that have taken the shine off our local league did not achieve such fame overnight. Those in charge have systematically developed them to this enviable level. They learnt lessons from their acts of omissions and commissions, and gradually perfected their modus operandi.

Why the GFA and PLB appear to be oblivious of events that led to King Faisal going to court recently is what beats my imagination.

King Faisal’s case is hanging on the football controlling body as the sword of Damocles, as it remains an unfinished issue.

Why the GFA and the PLB are tight-lipped on issues that are likely to lead to dispute at this crucial period of the competition is as irritating as it is disturbing.

With only three matches to end the league, why are we rushing to honour the matches instead of suspending the league to clear all outstanding issues before playing the remaining matches?

Notwithstanding unconfirmed information available to me to the effect that the league is scheduled to go on recess after Sunday’s matches, I am of the opinion that the matches must be put off to ensure competitiveness.

Even with the English premiership which kicked off at the weekend, its FA Disciplinary Committee was set to make a pronouncement on the eligibility of the Chelsea goalkeeper, Courtois, who received a straight red card in the opening match before the second week match against Tottenham Hotspurs this weekend. That is the best practice I am talking about— acting swiftly on protests. That is the essence of urgency which has unfortunately eluded our league for a very long time.

The GFA and the PLB must listen to reason and halt the First Capital Plus League now and use the period to clear all outstanding issues before going ahead with the three remaining fixtures, for any further delays could be dangerous.

Writer’s email: albert.sam@graphic.com.gh                                           

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