Ghanaian companies asked to bid for projects under Compact II over $128 million worth of contracts at stake
The Procurement Director of the Millenium Development Authority (MiDA), Mr Frank Mante, has urged Ghanaians to take advantage of procurement opportunities that exist under the Ghana Power Compact.
He said although local participation under the Compact I was not encouraging, there was still a new window of opportunity under the Compact II and Ghanaians must, therefore, take advantage of the leeway that the local content provision provided for to bid for contracts.
Speaking at a breakfast meeting organised by the America Chamber of Commerce AmCham (AMCHAM) - Ghana and MiDA on procurement opportunities under the Ghana Power Compact II of the Millenium Challenge Corporation (MCC), he urged them not to shy away but instead get acquainted with the processes to make their bids winnable.
“I suspect some feel they might not get the opportunity to even win so some do not even come at all. And even for those who take part, sometimes I feel a bit sad because some will usually submit their tenders a bit late and some will not complete the relevant forms and as a result, you have firms coming from outside taking some of the contracts.
“That notwithstanding, we have had a number of local firms winning a number of contracts. That is why we are having this programme to encourage a number of local firms to participate. We invite Ghanaian firms that are suitably qualified for most of our activities to come and take part,” he said.
He said although procurement opportunities existed, most of the local business shied away from bidding for contracts and the few that did, some failed to comply with the specific procurement guidelines thereby rendering their bids non-responsive.
He, however, explained that some Ghanaians were able to win contracts under the Compact I, and, therefore, the second phase should have more of them participating.
The seminar
It brought together procurement professionals to expose them to opportunities under the Ghana Power Compact II.
Mr Mante reiterated the importance of strictly adhering to the procurement rules and processes as failure to comply would result in the disqualification of the bid.
"As always, we are looking for compliance with all of the requirements of the solicitation document," he said.
He said MiDa procurement principles were fair, transparent, open and competitive to ensure the integrity of the entire process.
He said unsuccessful bidders would also have the right to a debriefing on why the bid was not successful so they could learn for future exercises.
Specific procurement opportunities
He said under the Compact II which will end in 2021, opportunities existed for the construction of sub-stations, interconnecting lines, IT related systems, metering systems, retrofitting and consultancy services.
The bids for these services, he said, would be announced as and when it was ready and urged businesses to be keenly interested in them so they could take part.
“As and when the specific procurement teams are ready to launch a particular activity, then we get the technical document and put together the bid document and subject to approval, we launch it,” he said.
The Chief Executive Officer of MiDA, Mr Martin Eson-Benjamin, said the Compact made provision for private participation and it was, therefore, important that the locals positioned themselves to take advantage of the opportunity.