New Daily Graphic Editor outlines vision
The new Editor of the Daily Graphic newspaper, Mr Vincent Kobina Asmah, professionally known as Kobby Asmah, has said it is time for a total paradigm shift from how the Graphic Communications Group Limited (GCGL) conducts its business to ensure that the various staples of the company sustain its role as a leading global media brand.
He said, “It is no longer a tea party or a stroll in the park. It is time for a paradigm shift that calls for all hands on deck to ensure that, together, we achieve the vision of making the brand a leading global one.”
Speaking to the GRAPHIC BUSINESS on Monday, Mr Asmah noted that the Graphic brand must always remain an authentic source of information largely hinged on accuracy and truth. As a result, he said the brand should not lower its known higher standards to publish half-truths or fake stories.
“Any story in the Daily Graphic or in its other sister brands must be the gospel truth and we must go the extra mile to put out the truth. We must ensure a high level of integrity, discipline and professionalism to make sure that Graphic becomes a global media brand of choice,” he said.
This, therefore, requires that there must be a shift from the ‘work as usual’ stance and a more focused approach backed by hard work through the rank and file of the company.
Mr Asmah added that the mantra of ‘Truth and Accuracy’ must guide the publication of news stories and, therefore, verification of stories and information cannot be underestimated in the line of duty.
Unique content
Mr Asmah explained that the various staples of the Graphic Brand, comprising its flagship, the DAILY GRAPHIC, the GRAPHIC BUSINESS, the GRAPHIC SHOWBIZ, the GRAPHIC SPORTS, the JUNIOR GRAPHIC, The MIRROR, as well as the GRAPHIC ONLINE and digital platforms must play a key role in the media’s agenda-setting role.
This, he said, would require that the brand highlighted relevant topics, thoroughly discuss them, speak to great sources and ensure that stories put out are unique and well written based on truth and accuracy.
He said it was time to enhance the use of specialised desks to ensure that the various brands produced unique and relevant content that will differentiate it from the other newspaper brands on the market.
Fellowship Programmes
Mr Asmah was appointed as the new Editor of the Daily Graphic, the flagship newspaper of the GCGL by the Board.
Mr Asmah has over 27 years’ experience in journalism and was the acting Editor and Political Editor of the Daily Graphic until his substantive appointment.
Mr Asmah is also a product of the Ghana Institute of Journalism (GIJ) and an old student of the Saint Augustine’s College, Cape Coast.
He has won a number of awards and scholarships to pursue various courses outside of the country.
Mr Asmah, who has vast experience in the media landscape, has participated in a number of high-level global Fellowship Programmes.
In 2006, he participated in the US International Visitor Leadership Programme on Foreign Policy Under the sponsorship of the State Department, USA.
Mr Asmah a Chevening Scholar with a Masters Degree in Journalism Studies at the Cardiff University, Wales was also a participant of the prestigious Foreign Press Centre (FPC) Fellowship Programme to understudy Japanese Life and Culture in 1997.
In 2007, he also participated in a Fellowship Programme in Australia under the Sponsorship of the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade (DFAT).
Under the sponsorship of the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the GOETHE Institute, he appraised and reported on preparations towards the 2006 World Cup in the Federal Republic of Germany. Ghana participated in that tournament.