The power of an endorsement
A group of waiters had been complaining about their low income and the prospects of a weekend with empty pockets when a modestly dressed old man entered their restaurant.
As he made his way towards the corner table, almost every one of them shied away reckoning that he would waste their time and deny them the opportunity to engage more financially-viable clients.
Only one kind waiter out of the lot bothered to walk over to him. The old man gave her a wry smile and proceeded to make his order, interrupting himself several times to ask her about herself and how she was doing on the job.
Even though she felt a sense of urgency, she indulged the old man and served him as best as she could. By the time he finished his meal, some of her colleagues were giggling in the corner about what a pain he had been. The old man said thank you and waved goodbye as he walked away.
As she cleaned up after him, the waiter was surprised to find hidden in the napkin, a note written at the back of his folded receipt. She was pleased to have served the old man and had not really been expecting anything from him.
To her surprise, wrapped up in the little sheet were five crisp $100 notes. She let out a cry of unbelief that brought all her colleagues running to her side. Who could this man be? She turned the note and read the following message:
“Dear Sharon, it was a real pleasure meeting you today. I am convinced that people like you are the reason why my restaurant chain has been so profitable over the years.
Your manager mentioned that he had an exceptional waiter who was due for promotion but I asked him to let me find out who it was by myself. I will be truly honoured if you would agree to take up an appointment as manager of the large branch we are opening in the new mall across the city.”
What would have happened if Sharon was in a bad mood that day? What if she had allowed herself to be discouraged by her friends? Would the owner of the restaurant have made the offer if his experience contradicted the reports he had heard and his expectations about the young lady? Can you imagine how those other waiters would feel after they read the note? Would you say Sharon was lucky? Looking at your own life, how many times has your opportunity passed by you dressed in ‘old men’s clothing’ without you recognising it. As you seek the resources you need to achieve your dream, remember that one encounter can make a real difference. One little act of kindness, one assignment done with extra care or a little show of support to someone going through a crisis could unlock a door you may never have dreamt about.
Many of us miss out on our opportunities and resources because they come packaged differently from how we expected them. “Your greatest miracle could come in its raw and simplest form.” If we learn to seek for opportunities in the right places, we shall find them. Our traditional mindset tends to guide us towards particular sources for the resources we think we need.
Our blessings in life come in unexpected ways. How many times have we allowed our blessings to pass us by because we failed to look up to God and check out His word for guidance? Don’t be casual about the opportunities that you may encounter on a daily basis. An idea that could unlock the doors to the business you are praying for could be right next to you. Take a second look! The newspaper you just glanced through may contain a new financial product or facility that is specifically tailored for people in the business you are planning to enter into. Open your eyes as you read!
Similarly, someone you may have casually met a number of times could be the mentor who can totally transform your thinking in a way that no formal education ever has. It is instructive that accomplished author Napoleon Hill in his all-time bestseller, Think & Grow Rich, attributes his mental transformation and subsequent success to a three-day marathon meeting that he was privileged to have with steel baron Andrew Carnegie.
It was that encounter that led to Hill agreeing to spend twenty years researching the principles of success and developing what he called the ‘Carnegie Formula’ or the ‘Philosophy of Personal Achievement’.
Similarly, Anthony Robbins credits speaker and writer Jim Rohn with a mentoring experience that led to the transformation of his career and the subsequent discovery of his purpose in life. The physical, mental, financial and social resources you need to achieve your dream may just be close by you but packaged in a way that you may not have recognised.
Stock up for your next level
While it may be urgent to upgrade your resources to match your current level, it is even more important to equip yourself in preparation for the next level. If you find yourself on a bigger stage in life but lack the knowledge or skills for it, you are likely to be exposed.
If you have not learnt to excel in singing before a small group, you are likely to find yourself struggling on the big stage in a live stadium concert. The same applies to a novice who is put in charge of an organisation at the highest level. You don’t start learning from the top. You need to learn to crawl before you can walk. Learning and growing is a privilege and an exciting part of the entire process of life.
The gifted young pastor needs to learn how to handle the dynamics of teaching and managing a small group before he takes on full responsibility of a large congregation with a complex network of departments, roles and leaders.
The child of a successful entrepreneur seeking to inherit the business must humbly learn from the lowest rungs about the ins and outs of the business before they assume leadership at the top. When you find yourself at the top and have a good appreciation of the dynamics of life at the bottom, you are better placed to relate to those who are there and also to help them climb up. You also reduce the chances of slipping back there because of avoidable mistakes.
Don’t rush to assume positions you are not prepared for. One of the most unfortunate situations in life is to find yourself in a place where your placement outstrips your capabilities. If you are a sales person gunning to become sales manager, do not wait until the position is given to you before you start preparing for it.
Your promotion must not precede your preparation. You can scheme your way into a top position you do not qualify for, but, because you are unprepared, you may find yourself exposed or worse still demoted. In order to keep excelling and growing from strength to strength, you need to appreciate the physical, financial and mental requirements of the next stage in your life and muster them ahead.