Everybody needs a Saviour
Everybody needs a Saviour

Everybody needs a Saviour

It looks as if to say “a Saviour” means there are many of them, but take note of the capital “S”. 

There may be many “saviours”, but nobody uses a capital “S” for any of them—except in the case of one Saviour. And there is a reason why only one Saviour comes with a capital “S”—he is both Saviour and Lord.


Indeed, there may be many “saviours”, but it depends on what we are being saved from and what that saviour has done to rescue us from humanity’s biggest predicament.

And what is humanity’s biggest predicament? The predicament hanging on all humanity—a huge predicament with a short name—is sin!

Why is sin a huge predicament? Sin is a huge predicament because it is the thing responsible for our endless troubles and woes on earth.

And as if the troubles of this world were not enough, there comes a day when we will appear before our Creator to account for our life.

Who can stand before Almighty God and answer for our countless sins, wrongdoings, and misdemeanours? No one!

That is why everybody needs a Saviour with a capital “S” who has the inherent capacity to deliver us from sin’s capital punishment.

For, while we battle the dangers of sin in this world and finally face accountability before God, we must have a Saviour who has done what it takes to deal with sin and evil.

Who, among other “saviours”, has done anything to deal with sin and eternal destruction? He is the Saviour.


One of the most remarkable statements in the Bible is that, “God made Jesus who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God” (2 Corinthians 5:21).
An amazing statement!

That explains why Jesus was molested, assaulted, whipped to a pulp, nailed to a cross, pierced, and left to suffer a most excruciating pain until he died.

That punishment was meant for us, but because God made him to be sin for us, he placed on him the penalty that was ours to bear (Isaiah 53:4, 5).

That is why it is written that he was slain, and by his blood he purchased persons for God from every part of humanity.

If he had remained in the grave when he was buried, we could not have saved us. But, as it is, “God raised him from the dead, freeing him from the agony of death, for it was impossible for death to keep its hold on him” (Acts 2:24).

Strangely, some people manufacture their own saviours!

The prophet Isaiah paints a funny picture of a man who cuts wood from the field. Half of the wood he uses as firewood for cooking; the other half he worships as his god or saviour (Isaiah 44:15-17)!

No wonder the prophet concludes that those who worship idols must have their heads examined—to see if they are all right!

Money, wealth, and prosperity constitute a deceptive saviour called “mammon”. Millions worship this mammon; they even kill to acquire it; yet mammon cannot deliver us.

Some people appoint other human beings as their saviours, but how can one sinner save another sinner?

Of course, we appreciate pastors, evangelists, prophets, teachers, and apostles who teach us. But their role is to point to the Saviour with a capital “S”.
Says the Scriptures, "Cursed is the one who trusts in man, who depends on flesh for his strength and whose heart turns away from the Lord.”


Hungry Esau thought his twin brother Jacob was his saviour because Jacob saved him from severe hunger. But not before Jacob cunningly deprived Esau of his birth right.

Esau asked, “What is a birth right to me when I am dying of hunger?” But when he later pleaded for a blessing, it was no longer available for him, because he had lost his birth right.
Hunger for the things of this world and greed for more wealth can make us think we don’t need God’s blessing of eternal life.


The scriptures warn that a time will come when people who have sold their birth rights by ignoring the Saviour will knock and the door to the great banquet will not be opened for them to enter.

We need a Saviour who gives us new birth into a living hope, not one who takes our birth right away.


That is why Peter wrote, “Thanks be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ. By his great mercy, he has given us new birth into a living hope through the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead” (1 Peter 1:3).

We need a Saviour—with a capital “S”—who will pronounce a blessing on us, not one who will deprive us of the blessing that God, in his great mercy, has so lovingly made available to us.

The writer is a publisher, author, writer-trainer and CEO of Step Publishers.
E-mail: lawrence.darmani@gmail.com

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