Auntie Betty: I can’t study at home

Auntie Betty: I can’t study at home

Dear Auntie Betty, I am a 14-year-old girl in one of the private schools in Afienya.

I lose concentration when studying at home because of my siblings.


Sometimes, when we have a class test and I have to study at home before going to school, my siblings disturb me.

That affects my studies and I do not pass my examination.

What should I do?

Afia, Afienya.


Dear Afia, You have to talk to your parents so that they put your siblings in check, not to disturb you while you study.

You did not indicate if they are your elder or younger siblings. But whatever the case may be, you have to let your parents intervene for you.

 If they are your elder siblings, you could also talk to them politely and I’m sure they will understand and give you space to study.

If they are children or toddlers, then your parents are responsible for putting them in check. But as you know with children, they are not fully aware of what they are doing. They may just want your attention. So you have to devise ways to get away from them in order to study in peace.

You can also choose to study at night or at dawn when your siblings are asleep so that you can concentrate. You only have to plan and get enough sleep during the day so you can stay awake to study.

 It is important that you get a conducive environment to study in order to pass your examination with flying colours and achieve your dreams. All the best.



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