Auntie Betty: My mates are troublesome

Auntie Betty: My mates are troublesome

Dear Auntie Betty, I am a student in one of the basic schools at Dawhenya. Some of my classmates are annoying, talk too much, and spread rumours about me and I cannot stand it.

Sometimes, I get angry and blow up.


What should I do?

Worried Girl, Dawhenya.


Dear Worried Girl, You have to learn to be tolerant. We are all from different backgrounds and behave differently.

 Of course, there is no excuse for your classmates’ behaviour. They have to be cautioned.

 However, you have to find the right way to do this. Getting angry and exploding is not the best way. On your own, you could talk to them politely and let them know how you feel about their behaviour.

Alternatively, you could talk to your class prefect or teacher to intervene. You could also just ignore them. For instance, if they are talking too much, you could just leave their presence and find a quiet and peaceful place to be.

Spreading rumours about someone can affect the person negatively. Check yourself if there is something you are not doing right then refrain from that to avoid such rumours.

However, if you are not doing anything wrong. You have to tell your parents and also let your school authorities know what is happening. I am sure your school has guidelines on how to deal with such issues.

I will also suggest you avoid dwelling on the things being said about you and resist the urge to react or get revenge. Hold your head up high. Once people realise you are not affected by what they say about you, it is likely they will stop.

All the best

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