CHRISTMAS MESSAGE (from Christian Council of Ghana

“Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with whom God is pleased.” Luke 2:14 


The angel who announced the birth of our Saviour Jesus said “glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those whom God is pleased.” The two most important issues in the seasonal greeting are the fact that glory and honor must be ascribed to God whilst peace and dignity must be on earth.

These should remind us of the fact that we do not owe ourselves. Our lives are in the hands of God, and we must ensure that whatever we do, both in private and public must glorify God.

Christmas must lead us to bring glory to God by obeying and pleasing Him in everything. This, we must do with the right attitude and personal motivation to always honor and glorify Him in our deeds and words in whatever situation we find ourselves.

The birth of Christ also calls for peace on earth as announced by the Angel. It is the utmost desire of our God for peace, wholeness and dignity to reign among His creation. We must therefore use Christmas to renew our commitment to live in peace and respect others, irrespective of our political, religious and social affiliations. 

Jesus Christ, through His birth, made a way for reconciliation between us and God. It is therefore essential for us to use Christmas to reconcile with families, colleagues, and one another. We should pursue what brings peace, dignity and development to our families, churches and communities.

The celebration of Christmas should also challenge us to reflect and uphold Christ’s ideals and virtues of integrity, generousity, modesty, meekness, fairness, justice, love and faithfulness in everything.

As we join families and friends to celebrate Christmas, let us be mindful of the essence of the season; which is to give glory to God and pursue peace on earth.

We wish you all Christ-centred Merry Christmas filled with hope, joy and peace in Jesus’ name.


God bless Ghana.



Rev. Dr. Kwabena Opuni-Frimpong

General Secretary


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