Driver, footballer in court for robbery

 A driver’s mate, Issac Quartey, and Gerald Kofiga, a footballer, on Tuesday appeared before an Accra circuit court charged with conspiracy to commit crime and robbery.


The two allegedly conspired to rob four mechanic apprentices at Abossey Okai in the Greater Accra Region.

The accused persons pleaded not guilty and were remanded into prison custody to re-appear on November 6.

Chief Superintendent Tuaruka Duuti told the court that the four complainants, Solomon Tetteh, Abdul Razak Ibrahim, Rapheal Quaye Ashong and Francis Akuffu, are mechanic apprentices living in their master’s shop at Abossey Okai near the International Central Gospel Church.

Chief Superintendent Duuti said,Isaac is a driver’s mate residing at Abossey Okai, while Gerald is a footballer living at Mataheko.

Chief Superintendent Duuti said On October 22 at about 7:30pm, Issac and Gerald met at Abossey Okai to embark on a robbery operation.

He said armed with a pair of scissors, the accused persons preceded to the International Central Gospel Church area and on reaching the shop they spotted a private car parked at the shop with one door opened.

The prosecution said Issac asked Gerald to keep watch and on entering the vehicle he saw the four complainants sleeping in it.

Chief Superintendent Duuti said Isaac attempted to pick Francis’s phone but he woke up.

The prosecution said Issac pulled his scissors and he and his accomplice bolted.

Chief Superintendent Duuti said on their way they met Solomon and Abdul Razak, attacked them with the scissors to rob them of their phones but they faced them.

Chief Superintendent Duuti said the accused persons left the scene and just a few meters away they  met the third complainant Raphael also receiving a call on his phone and quickly attacked him with the scissor but he shouted for help and five Westec Security Guards at the church premises rushed to the scene and arrested them but Gerald escaped.

He said Gerald was later arrested by policemen.

Source: GNA

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