Eighteen children, young adults arrested for watching porno

The police in the Ejisu-Juaben Municipality in the Ashanti Region have arrested 18 children and young adults for watching pornographic movies and playing video games.


The children and young adults, between the ages of eight and 22, were arrested in two separate operations.

Eight of them were arrested between the hours of 12 midnight and 1 a.m. at Ejisu-Krapa. They were caught watching a pornographic movie being shown by a night food vendor outside.

The other 10 were arrested at Ejisu Zongo for playing video games and snooker around 10 p.m.

The children have been granted bail while parents have been cautioned and urged to bring them to the police station on Tuesday for the necessary action to be taken.


The operators of the video games and the pornographic movies have also been granted bail while their electronic gadgets have been confiscated.

Briefing the Daily Graphic at Ejisu, the Ejisu Municipal Police Commander, Chief Superintendent of Police Stephen Kwasi Kwakye, said the operation followed complaints by assembly members and other people in the municipality about children patronising pornographic films at night.

He expressed concern about the level of irresponsible parenting in the municipality and wondered how parents would allow their children to roam at night.

“Parents should be reminded that they could face the laws of the nation if they shirk their responsibility,” CSP Kwakye added and urged all parents to ensure that they did not leave their children to roam anyhow.

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