
Industrial and Commercial Workers Union holds demonstration in Tema

The Planned industrial strike declared by Organised Labour last week received a massive boost on Monday with a demonstration by the Industrial and Commercial Workers Union (ICU) in Tema.


The action, according to the leadership of the ICU, aimed at exerting pressure on government due to what the group described as worsening economic problems.

Carrying placards with inscriptions such as, ‘Boko Haram government’; ‘Stop Piracy, Mr President’; ’Weak economy is job reduction-not job creation’; ‘Dumsor government’, the  over 500 demonstrators marched through some principal streets of Tema to press home their demands for the re-introduction of fuel subsidies, a reduction in utility tariffs, among other demands.

The union also expressed worried that some 4,000 jobs could be lost by September this year, if nothing is done to reverse what they said is the speedy economic decline in the country.

The General Secretary of the ICU, Mr Solomon Kotei, who described the demonstration as a curtain raiser to the nationwide strike by organised labour slated for Thursday, said they would continue to exert pressure on government until it was willing to initiate moves that would improve the country’s economy.

Presenting a petition on behalf of the demonstrators  to the Chief Executive of the Tema Metropolitan Assembly, Mr Isaac Odamtten,  Mr Kotei challenged government to purge itself of corrupt officials at the seat of government and the various ministries, departments and agencies (MMDAs).



The 10-point petition highlighted issues on what was described as the dollarisation of the economy, rising inflation, unbridled trade liberalisation programmes, power outages, fuel increases, second tier pension contribution, corruption, among others.

The petition also called on government to as a matter of urgency cut down unnecessary government expenditure.

“Corrupt officials who misappropriated the SADA and GYEEDA funds must not only be sanctioned but made to refund every pesewa they misapplied”, Mr Kotei stated.

Mr Kotei indicated that the growth of any nation’s economy was based on industries.

“It is therefore important for the government to provide an enabling environment and infrastructure for industrial growth, as against the adaptation of foreign policies that are inimical to the country’s development”, Mr Kotei counseled.


Oil Revenue

The demonstrators went on to call on the government to account for oil revenues, the Heritage Fund and the national reserve funds which were being held in trust for the people.

“These funds being held in trust of the toiling people of Ghana are sacrosanct and must therefore be properly accounted for and judiciously applied for the benefit of all Ghanaians .”

Writers’ email: della.russel@graphic.com.gh

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