We’ll adhere to Quranic principles - Minister assures Zongos
The Minister of Inner City and Zongo Development, Dr Mustapha Abdul-Hamid, has given an assurance that the ministry will adhere to the Quranic principles of justice, truth, patience and gratitude in the delivery of its mandate.
“These principles also reflect the nature of Allah, as he is referred to as the God of justice, truth, patience
He said the tour was to enable him to pay homage to the traditional, religious and community leaders of those areas to leverage their support and build partnerships for the effective delivery of the national inner cities and Zongo development agenda of the government
He said although the Quran called for much prayer, he explained that the Quranic verses that established prayer were only three, indicating that the principles of a successful life, were more than prayer.
At Kyebi, he also visited the artificial football complex started by his predecessor and indicated that he would ensure that the multi-purpose facility was completed within schedule.
Zongo development agenda
Emphasising the importance of the sector ministry,
“The truth is that Muslims have always been desirous of development in Ghana and that led to its forefathers establishing the Muslims Association Party (MAP). This party was formed to push the development they hungered for but their dream never
While acknowledging the efforts of successive governments to develop inner cities and Zongos,
He said the government’s agenda was about Zongo and
“If the government succeeds in that agenda, everybody in these communities benefits as well, regardless of political affiliations, and that is our focus-to deliver an all-inclusive development,” he said.
Member of Parliament
The Member of Parliament for the Abuakwa South Constituency and Minister of Works and Housing,
He said his presence at Kyebi demonstrated the confidence he had in
Chief of Kyebi Zongo
The Chief of Kyebi Zongo, Abu-Bakr Sadik, expressed gratitude to President Akufo-Addo for establishing the ministry and for all the projects the government had started.
He said he was optimistic that such a move would accelerate the delivery of the development of Zongos and inner cities as envisaged by the government.
He said he was more excited because prior to the establishment of the ministry, it was difficult to get access to public officers who had been placed in charge of Zongo development and inner cities.