Ghanaian Diaspora Union in Europe petitions 2024 Presidential candidates on key concerns
Ghanaian Diaspora Union in Europe petitions 2024 Presidential candidates on key concerns

Ghanaian Diaspora Union in Europe petitions 2024 Presidential candidates on key concerns

The Ghanaian Diaspora Union in Europe (GDUE) has presented a petition to all 13 candidates contesting the 2024 general elections, outlining critical issues that need addressing for the welfare and development of Ghanaians living abroad. 


Speaking at a press conference in Accra, Ibrahim Isshak, President of GDUE, called on the presidential candidates to prioritize the concerns of the Ghanaian diaspora, which he said plays a vital role in national development.

The petition highlights several pressing concerns, including high import duties, harassment by customs officers, the high cost of passport processing for Ghanaians abroad, and the inability of diaspora citizens to vote in national elections. 

Mr. Isshak urged the candidates to address these issues, stressing that remittances from the diaspora contribute significantly to Ghana's economy, with inflows reaching $4.6 billion in 2022, equivalent to 6 percent of the nation's GDP.

Key demands of the petition

1. Reduction in Import Duties and Taxes: The GDUE demands a 50 percent reduction in the current rates of import duties, alongside the elimination of various additional levies, which the group claims are stifling trade and discouraging diaspora investment.

2. Customs Harassment and Extortion: The union raised concerns about increased harassment by customs officers, who reportedly extort bribes from importers. The GDUE called for urgent reforms to ensure transparency and accountability in customs procedures.

3. Improved treatment at Kotoka International Airport: Mr. Isshak condemned the treatment of Ghanaian travellers at Kotoka International Airport, urging the candidates to implement policies ensuring equal and dignified treatment for all travellers.

4. High passport processing fees: The GDUE appealed for a reduction in the high fees charged for passport processing for Ghanaians abroad, calling the current costs an undue burden on diaspora citizens.

5. Diaspora Voting Rights: The petition called for the implementation of measures allowing Ghanaians in the diaspora to vote in future national elections, as outlined in the constitution.

Mr. Isshak emphasized the substantial contributions of the diaspora to Ghana's economic stability, stating, "As Ghanaians living abroad, we have consistently supported the development of our homeland through remittances, investments, and advocacy. However, we need concrete assurances that our concerns will be addressed."

The GDUE also asked for clarity on how the next government plans to create opportunities for diaspora involvement in national development, and how it intends to support Ghanaian businesspeople abroad.

The petition concluded with a call for specific policy commitments, including detailed plans to reduce import duties and enhance the contributions of the diaspora to national development. The GDUE reiterated its willingness to collaborate with the future government to ensure a prosperous and equitable Ghana for all citizens, both at home and abroad.

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