Political figures must be honourable men, not liars - Akufo-Addo
The President Nana Akufo-Addo says politicians must honour the promises they make during campaigns in order to strengthen the beliefs of citizens in democratic governance.
According to him, the failure of politicians to honour their pledges could weaken the trust of people in the government, a situation he said the country could not afford.
"At the time when we were making those promises, there were those who sought to portray that the promises and pledges as mere politics and efforts to carry favour without any sincerity," Akufo Addo said at a durbar held in the Upper West Regional Capital, Wa.
"It is extremely important for the sustenance of democracy in our country that pledges made by politicians are honoured because if they are not the trust of the people in governance is weakened and we cannot afford that in Ghana.
"We want to strengthen institutions in our democratic governance and one of the ways is that public figure, political leaders are seen to be men of their words, not liars, not people who will say any anything to get into office".
Akufo-Addo said in order to avert a situation where citizens will no longer believe the government, his administration has already begun the process of redeeming the promises they made during the 2016 election campaign.
"That is why, for the first year of my administration, we have begun the process of redeeming the promises and pledges that we made to the people of Ghana".
The President is currently on a 7-day tour of the three Northern Regions, as part of his tour of the country.