Attram, Quaye ready to play in Division One
Wonder club, Accra Great Olympics, appeared for another entry into the Ghana Premier division, following the renewal of the committment of their three most experienced players, Godwin Attram, Dan Quaye and goalkeeper Osei Boateng for the club’s campaign for a return to the elite league.
Oly were relegated to the lower tier league last season despite some spirited performances they posted.
Attram confirmed to the Graphic Sports in an interview last Wednesday that “Myself, together with Dan Quaye and goalkeeper Osei Boateng have decided to play in the Division One League and help the team to come back to the premiership but I cannot say the same for Olele”.
He described the Division One League (DOL) as a very difficult terrain but said while the players continued to give the assurance that they would work hard to qualify, a lot would also depend on the management which should motivate and provide the logistics and support for the playing body.
The former Black Stars midfielder said, “Even though Olympics experienced some boardroom wranglings which affected performance during the first round of the league, we were able to resolve the matter and we were doing well but our relegation was something that was cooked from within because player for player Olympics were far ahead and we played well”.
Attram further expressed grave worry at the fallen standards of football in the country and hoped that the in-coming Minister for Youth and Sports, Nii Lante Vanderpuiye, would bring a lot on board to resurrect the country’s football.