You want to take the relationship ahead but your man won’t commit. Read the warning signs to find out whether your relationship has a future
Good & Healthy Relationship Advice & Tips
Connecting with people romantically, emotionally, and physically is really amazing. But there's a lot of work that goes into building a good relationship. What are some tips for having a great relationship? How do you know if your relationship is healthy? How can I make my relationship better? This page has some great articles and stories about relationships.
Women can overanalyse things a lot. Especially in social situations. And even more so when it comes to dating and men. However, a lot of this obsessing is really pointless.
Let me say from the start that I feel your pain. Dating someone seriously and simultaneously knowing that his ex was prettier than you can make you feel, well, pretty low.
Love is indeed strange. It is the commonest word in all the 6,500 languages of the world. It is also the commonest word in the bible.
Anyone who’s experienced heartbreak knows that there’s no magic formula for making someone fall in love with you. (Or in some cases, back in love with you).
Women are natural givers. We think that to give is to be nurturing and feminine. We think that if we give to a man, we’ll make him happy.
1. "Oh, I didn't think we were exclusive." This is a bad thing to say a month into the relationship. This is an even worse thing to say a year into the relationship. Always make sure you're on the same page, even if that page is a chapter titled "Friends with Benefits."
Everyone knows that long-distance relationships are hard work, but here is something you may not know: being in a long-distance relationship—at least for a season—can actually be good for you.
In some conversations that I have with women regarding a man they are just starting to date, or even one they have been with for a while, I often hear how he is not as verbal as they would like when it comes to showing their affection.
In the past, you lived like a king if you were a student in the university. Each student had a room and a pigeon hole to himself or herself to indicate he or she is officially known in the hall.
So, you have a crush, but you don't know how to get his attention. It's actually not that hard.
Trust is the bedrock for building a strong relationship. However, lack of trust is one of the most common themes to surface in most relationships.
1. Trying to get him to be more motivated. If he can’t get a job he actually likes (so he’s not constantly complaining about how horrible his social work job is because he hates children) on his own, you’re not going to be able to move his lazy-ass mountains.
We’ve all been in relationships where, at times, we’ve felt more like a mom or a secretary than a significant other. While we understand that healthy relationships require compromises, we’ve compiled a list of favors that good boyfriends know better than to consistently request. If you’re constantly taking on any of the items on this list (especially with any hint of resentment), it’s time to get your guy to lend a hand.
He liked it so he put a ring on it, and now you don't want to take said ring off? We completely understand.
A man has 40 per cent muscle by weight but a woman has 20 per cent muscle by weight. He has bigger lungs and more blood which carries more red blood cells. In addition, a man has higher levels of testosterone and these combine to give a man almost twice the brute strength of woman.
As women, we know how hard it is to get our men to understand us. We talk to them and then we get the stare.
The worst part of being manipulated in a relationship is that quite often you don’t even know it’s happening.