13-year-old Ghanaian gets space in Lancet health Journal
A 13-year-old Ghanaian child, Anysius Walaman Eba, has made his way into the prestigious medical journal, "The Lancet Child & Adolescent Health" with his artwork.
Eba's artwork has been used as the cover page for the March 2024 edition of the popular medical journal.
The Lancet began as an independent, international weekly general medical journal founded in 1823 by Thomas Wakley. Since its first issue (Oct 5, 1823), the journal has strived to make science widely available so that medicine can serve and transform society, and positively impact the lives of people.
Over the past two centuries, The Lancet has sought to address urgent topics in our society, initiate debate, put science into context, and influence decision makers around the world.
The Lancet has evolved as a family of journals but retains at its core the belief that medicine must serve society, that knowledge must transform society, that the best science must lead to better lives.
Even though Anysius' feat is remarkable and worth celebrating, he is not a happy boy. He has been battling with leukaemia for 18 months now.
Now 14, Anysius, uses artwork to build his psychological and emotional strength as he goes through this challenging moment.
"Unfortunately, my cancer journey has suddenly presented a steep hill for me to climb and I need your help to do so. My current treatment is no longer effective and so I have to take treatment of higher intensity including a bone marrow transplant abroad. I lost my father long before my cancer diagnosis to a road traffic accident and my mother, unfortunately cannot afford the treatment. All expenses put together is Sixty-six thousand United States Dollars ($66,000)," he posted on her GoFundMe account.
"I don't believe my life has come to an end yet. Fighting cancer is tough but I'm willing to continue the fight. This is why I need your help to get healing from this dreadful disease. I will continue to remain positive because I know you can provide timely help. Every little bit counts - your widow's mite can easily put me on the road to cure. Thank you so much. God bless your kind hearts," he wrote.
Below is a list of payment options through which people could assist him with funds to enable him to go through the Bone Marrow Transplant (Leukaemia Treatment).
1. Mobile Money
MTN MoMo Number: 0598944786
MoMo Account Name: Cure Childhood Cancer Ghana
Reference: Anysius
2. Bank Transfer:
Bank Name: Guaranteed Trust Bank (GT Bank)
Account Name: Cure Childhood Cancer Ghana
Account Number: 216130034110 (GHS)
Dollar Account Number: 216130034220 (USD)
Bank Branch: East Legon