Twifo Osam pupils schooling dangerous "Classroom block faces collapse"
About 250 pupils of the Twifo Osam community’s only school in the Twifo Atti Mokwa District of the Central Region are studying dangerously, as any storm is likely to bring down their nearly 40-year-old mud school building.
Children from kindergarten to class one have already lost their classrooms to storms.
The pupils now attend classes under a tree and run home when the weather is not conducive.
Their ages make it difficult for teachers to undertake any meaningful teaching and learning activities under the circumstances.
Many of the parents would rather not send the children to school because literally, nothing like that exists.
The chiefs and people of the community have appealed for the urgent construction of decent classroom facilities for the community, but help has still not arrived.
Firstly, they have appealed for the mud block to be replaced urgently to give pupils a decent place of study.
Parents in the community are also worried that toddlers in the community now do not have a decent classroom.
Mud school
The Twifo Osam Islamic Basic School was built with mud by the community in its unquenchable quest to provide children in the community with education.
The community, through self-help efforts, initiated and built the school, after which the government provided the school with teachers.
However, the school has since then not received any infrastructural support.
Other buildings apart from the classroom blocks could also collapse with any rainstorm as the rains set in, and the community is worried.
According to the Chief of Twifo Osam, Nana Kwame Ottoboa I, since a heavy rainstorm led to the collapse of the classroom block about two months ago, efforts to get support for a new school facility has not been successful.
He, therefore, called upon and non-governmental organisations to come to their aid to put up a new building for the school.
The Unit Committee Chairman at Osam, Nana Seidu Kweku Attah, also expressed worry at the lack of school facilities, saying though there had been several promises about building a proper school facility for the community, it had not materialised.
He said the children in the community deserved better and called for urgent support for the school.