Ibrahim Mahama did not buy me Trassaco mansion, Range Rover - Hajia4Real
Socialite Ms Mona Faiz Montrage popularly known as Hajia4Real says she is not the girlfriend of businessman Ibrahim Mahama.
The lawyers for Hajia4Real in a statement reacting to comments allegedly made by Mr Bernard Antwi Bosiako alias Chairman Wontumi said the socialite has also not received a house or vehicle from Mr Mahama.
Mona posing with the Range Rover gift on her birthday
"Our client considers the publication, excerpts of which have been reproduced above, to be defamatory to the extent that it portrays her as a person with very low morals in society," the statement said.
"The reputation of our client having severely suffered damage by the malicious publications contained in the video, our client demands an unqualified apology and a retraction of the said publication by both Chairman Wontumi and Wontumi television & Radio within 24 hours of the publication of this statement".
The statement added that she was preparing to take legal action to vindicate her image and disabuse the minds of the public of the misinformation and defamation of character.
The statement comes days after the founder of Engineers and Planners, Mr Mahama and several high-profile personalities including the CEO of the Afro-Arab Group of Companies, Alhaji Salamu Amadu were spotted at Hajia4Real's birthday party.
Also in attendance were celebrities including Efia Odo, Deborah Vanessa and Shatta Bandle. The socialite was reportedly gifted the properties at the party.