Pope Francis won’t last long if … – Foh-Amoaning

Pope Francis filing journalists questions while airborne.Legal practitioner and lecturer at the Ghana School of Law, Moses Foh-Amoaning has predicted a short term in office for Pope Francis if he sticks to his conciliatory stance on homosexuality.


The Bible is clear in its condemnation of the practise, and so is the Catholic Church and Christianity, Foh-Amoaning pointed out, and argued that it does not lie in the power of the Pope alone to define that tested doctrine.

And in any case, the whole basis of Christianity is to make moral judgements and to point out right from wrong, he underscored in a phone interview to Accra based Radio Gold 90.5 FM on Tuesday, in reaction to Pope Francis’ reported claim that it was not his position to judge people on account of their sexuality, but that if someone was gay and was looking for the Lord, who was he to judge him.

“You should not discriminate against or marginalise these people, and the Catechism says this as well,” the Pope was quoted by the international media as saying on Monday in response to a journalist’s question on suspected “gay lobby” in the Vatican.

But Foh-Amoaning says that is a flawed position neither the Bible nor the Catholic Church’s doctrine on the issue supports.

“The truth of the matters is God hates sin but loves the sinner… Can you imagine that the purpose of Christ’s death on the cross is to allow somebody to have anal sex? I mean, it doesn’t make sense. Or a man to marry another man? It is an impossibility. If you look at Romans, the Bible talks about the reason why you have all these evil passions ok, and it says that it is the result of people who have rejected God so God has also rejected them. That’s clear pollen teaching and is Bible speaking and the consequences of it are obvious. And so I’m surprised that he’s talking that when we Christians say that this is un-Christian we are making a judgement. Of course we are making a judgement. When Jesus died on the cross that’s a judgement - He’s saying that this is the way, the truth and the light, this is the way to get to God, that other way is wrong.”  

Foh-Amoaning argued forcefully that the book of Galatians in the Bible is explicit about the fruits of the spirit and those of the flesh and that those who bear fruits of the latter cannot get into the kingdom of God. Pope Francis’ position therefore is un-Christian and unbiblical.  Listen to Foh-Amoaning.

Moses Foh-Amoaning, disagrees with Pope Francis.“I’m sad that he is saying he’s being judgemental, No! If the church states immoral positions which are scriptural, it is only making a statement as to the right way of human behaviour. So I’m surprised that he’s taken that position, it is un-Christian, it’s unbiblical and I think he very soon, you watch it, and I’m saying it on your (radio) station, if this Pope goes along the way that he’s going, he will not last. You write it down, say it anywhere that I said so, and I’m saying so prophetically. If this Pope goes on the way he’s going, he will not last long. Watch it, if he doesn’t make a categorical statement, because he’s on the seat of Peter, that’s a powerful spiritual seat. You don’t sit on those seats and then begin to fudge about what is wrong…”

The lawyer and former chairman of the Ghana Boxing Authority who has at various fora elucidated his clear abhorrence of the issue of homosexuality and condemned international promptings for Africa to accept the practice, also pointed out that while Pope Francis did not specifically approve of homosexuality in his controversial comment, his failure to condemn it was problematic, much so when his predecessors were unequivocal about the church’s doctrine on the immoral practice. 

And he was sure the Pope would sooner than later recant his comments, saying that it is the strategy of gay lobby propagandists to create the impression that gays were being butchered around the world to elicit calls for support such as Pope Francis’ comments. And they also create the impression that the whole of America approves of homosexuality as the dominant view when in fact only about 12 states do so.

“May be in Europe the devil has found his way throughout but in Africa we will make a stand. In the Arab countries they have made a stand and trust me, if we are prayerful and we are strong we can beat this because on the cross of Calvary we won the victory,” he sermonised.

Written by Isaac Yeboah/Graphic.com.gh/Ghana

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